Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clayface Plushie

Finally, we get to the Batman villian that is my guilty pleasure...Clayface!!  He is probably the most rediculous bad guy (he is made of clay...haha) but the fights he had with Batman were always epic.  If it were a real fight, he would always beat the Dark Knight...

Penguin Plushie

Batman returns was actually the very first movie I ever saw in the theaters.  I remember freaking out when the Penguin (Danny Devito) chomped down on the guys nose and it started gushing blood.  Because of that, the Penguin will always be the one villian that still gives me nightmares...

Mad Hatter Plushie

Next up is one of the lesser known Batman baddies, but he still is one of the creepiest.  I love his vibrant costume because it somewhat makes his personality so much more evil...

Phantasm Plushie

Mask of the Phantasm will always be one of the best animated movies I have ever seen.  If you haven't seen it, go check it out right now.  The reveal of who the Phantasm actually  is still leaves me speechless.

Mr. Freeze Plushie 2

I know I did a previous one, but this cool guy is based off of the original Batman Animated Series.  He still is one of my favorites...even though his heart is made of ice...haha

Ra's Al Ghul Plushie

Hey Strangers!  Sorry it has been a while, but I have been finishing up the next set of plushies based on the Batman Animated Series.  For the 3rd set, I made some of the lesser known baddies, but I still love how they turned out.  First up on the this set, is the never aging Ra's Al Ghul...